Urgence Gaza/Liban

Cisjordanie : Un rapport de MSF
documente l’escalade des attaques israéliennes
et entraves aux soins contre les structures médicales
et les soignants

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Faites un don


Nos équipes sont mobilisées 24h/24 pour venir en aide aux victimes. Faites un don au “Fonds régional - Urgence Gaza" pour nous aider à poursuivre nos actions dans les zones touchées par ce conflit.

Je soutiens les actions de MSF

Hélène, operating room nurse

Hélène, infirmière de bloc opératoire

Hélène has been on several missions with MSF as an operating room nurse. This is her story.

Although Hélène has been on 3 missions as an operating room nurse in similar-type conflict zones, each has been a different experience. The operating theatres do the same work, but the resources that are available change. MSF international teams work closely with MSF national staff and work with them following MSF protocols. Orginally, Hélène wanted to go on missions with MSF because she wanted to help others and see something of the world. Now, she sees it as a professional experience that is both rewarding and unlike any other.

© Corentin Fohlen

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